First of all my daughter has an unbelievable memory and will bring up things from over a year ago! We can drive by a place and she will go into detail about the events that took place a certain time we were there. It is quite amusing!
Well today I was swinging Adalyn underneath the deck and she looks at the big wooden beams and asks me to tell her a story about Jesus. On Good Friday I told her the story of Jesus' death, burial and resurrection in the most kid-friendly language I could think of. I told her that He had to carry a big wooden beam up a big hill and that the beams used to make the cross were like the beams holding up our deck. She wanted to pretend like she was going into the tomb and would "roll the stone away" and disappear up into Heaven. That night we had made a dessert in which a big marshmallow (Jesus) was rolled up into a crescent roll and then baked in a tomb (the oven) and after 3 days (or 10-12 minutes) Jesus had disappeared! (marshmallow had melted into the crust) Today while telling her the story about Jesus again, she listened intently and even had her fill in some of the blanks like "Jesus' body was placed inside of a ____" She finished the story by adding "And then we ate him...'member?" Toddlers, gotta love em!
Adalyn also wanted me to make up a story about her being a princess so i tried my best. I told the story sort of like a mad-lib just for fun and it went something like this with Adalyn's words in could see I dominated this story but the ending was cute
"Once upon a time in a far away land there lived a beautiful princess named Adalyn. Adalyn's favorite color was Purple. Her castle was purple, her carriage was purple and even her dog was purple. One day while Adalyn went out to pick some purple flowers she came across a handsome prince named Daddy. Prince Daddy had a green castle and drove a green carriage. Princess Adalyn did not want to live in his green castle so she invited he and Queen Mommy to live in her purple castle. And they all lived happily ever after in a Big, Purple ..PUMPKIN. The end." Then we both laughed for a good 30 seconds :) I think we may have to record more of these "Mommy mad-lib stories" as they are quite entertaining!
1 comment:
Doesn't it AMAZE you the things they can remember!?! Brooklynne is the SAME way!!!
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